If you’re suffering with an illuminated engine warning light and misfiring or cutting out, it’s likely you need an engine ECU repair.
ECU malfunction wreaks havoc with the running of your vehicle, even preventing it from starting in some cases! This commonly happens due to a breakdown of the internal components, meaning symptoms persist until the engine ECU has been properly repaired.
Thankfully, we provide a fast and cost-effective alternative to replacing your defective module with brand-new.
If you’re not entirely sure where your running issues are coming from, that’s okay. Let us examine your unit with state-of-the-art testing rigs to confirm an engine ECU repair is necessary.
Our ECU Rebuild Service
Once we’ve found a fault, we’ll meticulously rebuild your ECU with higher-than-OEM-standard components. See our product catalogue for our full range of engine ECU rebuilds.
We’ll even remove manufacturing defects and design flaws responsible for the initial malfunction – unlike brand-new replacements. For further peace-of-mind, we’ll cover you with lifetime warranty too.
To have your ECU comprehensively rebuilt in in just 2-3 working days, fill out our quick-and-easy test from now.