Mercedes 7G-Tronic - Seven Speed Automatic Gearbox Problem

7G-Tronic gearbox ECU fault

This is a very common fault for Mercedes vehicles fitted with the 7G-Tronic automatic transmission with gearbox code - 722.9, often causing the transmission to hold too long in one gear before aggressively forcing the next gear into place, this causes a very rough and jerky gear change.

The fault usually starts out as intermittent but always becomes permanent if left unresolved for long enough. The fault is caused by the TCM conductor plate breaking down internally, preventing the control module/conductor plate from monitoring the correct rotational speed of the input shaft, making it unable to determine the slippage of the torque converter, causing ineffective torque clutch lock-up that prevents a smooth gear change or in some cases prevents gear selection entirely.

We can now fully rebuild your own control unit within 2-3 working days and supply an unlimited mileage lifetime warranty*




When attempting to diagnose the transmission fault it is best practice to have the fault codes read from the transmission system as a first point of call, if you have fault codes stored for the internal speed sensors then this is a very good indication that you have a faulty transmission control module/conductor plate.



 Common Failure symptoms:

  • Intermittently not changing gear
  • Gearbox goes into limp mode
  • Sticking in gear
  • Not selecting gears

Common fault codes:

  • 0717 – The Signal From Component Y3/8N1 (Turbine Speed Sensor, VGS) Is Not Available.
  • 0718 – The Component Y3/8N1 (Turbine Speed Sensor, VGS) Is Defective.
  • 2201 – The Component Y3/8N2 (Internal Speed Sensor) Is Defective.
  • 0722 – Output Speed Sensor Y3/8N3 Output Speed Sensor VGS Not Available
  • 0721 – The Transmission Output Speed Signal Is Implausible When Compared To The Wheel RPM Signal

Common failing part numbers:

  • A0335457332
  • A0034460310
  • A0335456732
  • A0009013000
  • A0009013200
  • A0009017100


Removal instructions:

  1. Drain gearbox oil
  2. Remove oil pan & internal oil filter
  3. Unscrew the 10 screws holding the valve body to the gearbox
  4. Unplug the control module multi-plug connector and then remove valve body from the gearbox - do not use a pry-bar/screwdriver to force the multi-plug connector from the gearbox housing when removing the valve body or it may break the connector.
  5. Remove the 10 screws that hold the control module to the valve body

 7G-Tronic screw locations

  1. Remove the 8 solenoids that connect through the control module to the valve body (make note of their positions for correct re-installation)

7G-Tronic solenoid locations


Test and rebuild:

We can now fully rebuild your own 7G-Tronic control module and supply an unlimited mileage lifetime warranty for a fraction of the cost of a new unit. When we rebuild your own control module we use higher rated components than standard, so you can be assured that once rebuilt, your control module will not fail again – this is how we are able to supply a lifetime warranty with every unit we rebuild.



These control modules are programmed to the vehicle’s immobiliser and chassis number, so it is not possible to fit a second-hand unit to the vehicle, the only option other than purchasing a brand new unit from the manufacturer is to have your own control module rebuilt. When we rebuild your control module we retain all the original programming so that you can just fit the unit back to the vehicle without any additional programming - simple plug and play.



We rebuild these 7G-Tronic control modules for Mercedes main dealers and specialists all over the globe, so you can be assured of our very high standard of work. We use higher rated than standard components when we rebuild your control module so you can be assured that once your unit is rebuilt then it will not fail again, therefore we give an unlimited mileage lifetime warranty with every control unit we rebuild.



Lifetime unlimited mileage*


How do I get my unit rebuilt?

To pay for the rebuild select your model above and then click: Get yours rebuilt

Print the payment/booking confirmation email.

Package the Mercedes 7G-Tronic transmission ECU inside a sturdy box with plenty of packaging material (make sure you include your confirmation email in the box).

Send us your package by tracked courier (the shipping instructions are on the confirmation email).

Once received we will test, rebuild and return your 7G-Tronic control module with an unlimited mileage lifetime warranty. (if your unit turns out not to be faulty then we will refund your payment less a small testing fee and return shipping)


What if I don’t want to pay up front?

This is not a problem, if you prefer this option then follow the following steps:

Fill in and submit this test form.

Print the booking confirmation email.

Package the Mercedes 7G-Tronic transmission ECU inside a sturdy box with plenty of packaging material (make sure you include your confirmation email in the box).

Send us your package by tracked courier (the shipping instructions are on the confirmation email).

Once received, we will test your transmission control module and call you to advise on the outcome of testing, if your unit is faulty and you choose to go ahead with the rebuild then we will take payment over the phone using a debit/credit card.

We will then rebuild your 7G-Tronic ECU and return it to you with an unlimited mileage warranty.

If you require further information regarding this Mercedes 7G-Tronic transmission ECU, then please contact us.

Mercedes Products/Services





























Comments on "Mercedes 7G-Tronic - Seven Speed Automatic Gearbox Problem"
Mel says: 22/03/2025 17:56:29
Hi,I lent my w164 ML320 CDI 2006 to a friend who wasn't used to the stalk selector. When driving he thought he flicked the indication but it was of course the gear selector so it went from drive to reverse with a very powerful stop. He then turned off and restarted the car. Only to find it only stays in 1st gear. Then he discovered after driving for a while if he turns off the car and turns it back on he gets the seventh gear obviously extremely sluggish but what could the problem?
ECU Admin says: 24/03/2025 09:06:43
Hi Mel, you are welcome to send in the 7G-Tronic part into us to check if this is causing the issue. You can check the part number matches the links above, give us a call on 01773 535638, or email contact us and our technical team will be happy to look into this for you. Thank you!
Dylan B says: 19/12/2024 07:33:11
Hi, i have a weird issues with my 2008 c350 2wd. Trans went into limp mode. Once codes cleared. Codes i pulled were u0101 TCM communication failure. There was fluid in the connector to TCM. p2759 TCC pressure control solenoid circuit control electrical.p2810 pressure control solenoid g electrical. Is it possible the fluid being dirty brown color and possibly low could be the cause of these issues. Is it possible for fluid to leave from inside trans into the connector for the conductor plate?Thx
ECU Admin says: 19/12/2024 09:12:02
Hi Dylan, we have seen these fault codes before with the 7G-Tronic transmission. If you can either email us on contact us or call us on 01773 535638 with your vehicle details, these symptoms, fault codes and any other relevant information, our technical support team can look into this further for you and confirm if it is possible this may have caused an issue. Thank you
pierre michel says: 12/12/2024 00:04:51
Hello I have a A Class 180 cdi 2012 W169, with 53.000 km since new and I have a message saying that automatic gearbox needs to go to workshop for control. First time today that twice gear cannot change up from 2nd or 3rd gear. After a stop and start, everyting OK again. Can you rebuild the electronic part if I can find a mechanic to disassemble the gear box and what would be the total cost. Tks n rgds. Pierre
ECU Admin says: 12/12/2024 09:44:20
Hi Pierre, we can certainly help with that. For details regarding your model please see the following page:
Wimpie says: 18/11/2024 09:45:10
Where are you located. I would like to sent my unit to be repaired
ECU Admin says: 18/11/2024 10:29:38
Hi, we are located in Derbyshire, you can find our full address details here:
Punith K says: 11/12/2023 15:17:21
I am from India. My class 2012 model has a failed VGS module. Can you guys help rebuild?
ECU Admin says: 12/12/2023 14:12:22
Hi Punith, send us your part number via email and we can quote you with shipping. contact us
Simon Exelby says: 24/10/2023 10:05:22
My 2005 350CLK is showing most ofthe symptoms mentioned above but my Mercedes specialist reports that there are no error codes from the gearbox - is a rebuild of the TCU still a likely fix? Do you work with any garages in the Northamton area that have successfully repaired a gearbox with your service? Regards Simon
ECU Admin says: 27/10/2023 09:07:04
Hi Simon, we would certainly expect to see fault codes from a faulty TCU unless they cannot achieve communications. We can offer to test the unit first of all for you so that you know for sure.
Keith says: 02/10/2022 23:44:13
Should I send the solenoids too with conductor plate?
ECU Admin says: 04/10/2022 09:50:48
Hi, we only require the solenoids if you are experiencing solenoid fault codes.
Titus Aaron says: 20/08/2022 10:54:03
i have a 2012 e250 mercedes benz. I did a diagnostic check after the engine light came on and got the following faults 1. VGS(transmission control for 7-speed transmission) 2. ECM(motor electrics(MR)'SIM271DE20"for combustion engine"M271EVO"). please advise. Titus
ECU Admin says: 22/08/2022 10:03:32
Hi, please send the full diagnostic report to contact us and we can take a look into this for you
Dietmar says: 19/06/2022 23:05:27
Hi guys What is the turnaround time if I'm shipping from New Zealand? Is that something that you do even?
ECU Admin says: 22/06/2022 10:00:46
Hi, for current prices and turn-around select your model above
LUIS says: 11/06/2022 06:52:27
Hello my name is Luis, I have a 2009 Mercedes Benz Glk 280 that uses a 722.9 transmission, the problem is that I have no indication of the selected gear in the dashboard and it causes that the transmission Not respond and not move forward or backwards. I check for codes to identify the problem and only Show the 1405 code, do you feel that is possible that I have an issue whith my transmission conductor plate? Or maybe the fault is caused by other reasons. Thanks in advance
ECU Admin says: 13/06/2022 09:59:46
Hi, the 1405 code relates to no CAN being received from the TCU. This is an indication that your transmission conductor plate has become faulty.
stein kusizani says: 01/10/2021 03:23:00
my w212 benz e250 7Gtronic is not changing gears and shows the 0717 and 0718 fault codes
stein kusizani says: 03/10/2021 04:32:08
where is the form
ECU Admin says: 04/10/2021 09:43:59
Hi - here is the link for the Test Form:
ECU Admin says: 01/10/2021 09:36:25
We can help with that, to get started just complete our Test Form
Bill Tshirundu says: 02/07/2021 08:48:36
My s350 mercedes jecks when put on D or R and it stays on one gear.
Ray Gormley says: 17/05/2021 08:42:04
Conductor plate needs refurbished
ECU Admin says: 17/05/2021 10:37:05
Hi Ray, we can help with that. To get started please select your model above or complete our test form
Azri says: 11/05/2021 15:02:59
how much cost this item?
ECU Admin says: 12/05/2021 09:57:51
Hi Azri, for prices and shipping information please select your vehicle above.
Tim Adeboye says: 24/11/2019 07:07:53
My 2012 Mercedes Benz E220 Executive SE gear engages intermittently and often times takes forever to engage. Very frustrating. How can you help? What do you think could be issues?
ECU Admin says: 25/11/2019 12:13:08
Hi Tim, you may be experiencing a fault in the 7G-Tronic transmission ECU especially if your fault codes match those we have listed. For information on rebuild prices and shipping information just select your part from the following list:
michael lim says: 09/10/2019 05:04:28
w212 year made 2013 7g tronic tcu promble show on on computer error code is 0717 The signal from component Y3/8n1 (Turbine speed sensor, VGS) is not available. 0718 The component Y38n1 (Turbine speed sensor, VGS) is defective. petrol engine 1.8 can please advise... need some good solution...tq
Sisco says: 30/10/2020 21:06:09
I want my Conduct plate rebuilt. I have a Mercedes Benz E350 2005 model
ECU Admin says: 03/11/2020 09:35:01
Hi Sisco, we can help with that. Please see the following link for further details:
ECU Admin says: 09/10/2019 14:01:01
Hi Michael, looks like you are experiencing a faulty 722.9 7G-Tronic transmission ECU fault. We offer test and rebuild for this, please see the following link for prices and shipping information:
Mujeeb says: 31/08/2019 10:01:35
Hay there I got e220 diesel 2012 , engine light on and , when I go on drive it go with big jerk and gaer not shifting from first to second please any advice and how much it cost
ECU Admin says: 02/09/2019 09:46:48
Hi Mujeeb, we can help with your 7G-Tronic problems. We offer test and rebuild of your transmission ECU, for prices and shipping information please see the following link:
nicolas says: 30/08/2019 21:38:05
Hola buenas tardes tengo un mercedes benz e280 chasis w211, tengo la transmisión en modo de emergencia y tengo el código 0721. tengo un scanner star diagnosis mi pregunta es como puedo saber si el modulo de transmisión esta programado tanto en inmovilizador como en chasis?, en que me tengo que fijar en la parte de información del modulo?. agradecería su ayuda.
ECU Admin says: 02/09/2019 10:00:02
Hi Nicolas, yes the 7G-Tronic units have SCN coding, you can find this in the transmission ECU system information through your diagnostics. The code you have stored indicates that you have a faulty unit, we can offer test and rebuild for this here:
Sebastian says: 05/08/2019 17:48:15
Hi, I would like to know the cost of rebuilding the TCU , how much if the codes points to RPM sensor or solenoid and what would it be it the TCU cannot be read . Thanks,
ECU Admin says: 06/08/2019 09:34:27
Hi Sebastian, Please select your vehicle model above for pricing and shipping information. We rebuild the entire 7G Tronic TCU no matter what the fault. So it does not matter if you have RPM sensor, solenoid or communications issues, many thanks.
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