Mercedes E220, E270 & E320 Turbo Actuator Fault

Mercedes E-Class turbo actuator fault

Mercedes E220, E270 & E320 Turbo Actuator problem

Common problem with Mercedes E220, E270 & E320 (W211) years 2002 onwards.

Internal malfunction of the turbo actuator causes the engine to lose power intermittently, the fault will normally rectify itself if you turn off the engine and restart after it has cooled down. Often the engine will be forced to go into a limp home mode state if the ignition is not cycled to reset it.

Although this fault will begin intermittently it will, in time, become a permanent issue that will drastically affect the usability of the vehicle.

The typical resolution to this issue is purchasing a replacement unit, however these turbo actuators are not available to purchase separately from the turbo itself. This makes a replacement very expensive and you will end up buying parts you do not need.


Our solution is simple and quick: a rebuild of your turbo actuator.

We can test and rebuild your E-Class turbo actuator within 2-3 working days and ship it back to you without the need for coding or a brand new expensive turbo.


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Common Failure symptoms:

  • Loss of power
  • Limp home mode


Common fault codes:

  • 2510 - Boost Pressure Control


Affected Vehicles:

  • Mercedes E-Class 2002 - 2009 (W211 – 3rd generation)



Test and rebuild:

By rigorously testing the turbo actuator using our bespoke testing rigs we are able to identify all faults within the actuator. We only use the highest quality parts; in fact we use higher rated than standard OEM components.



No programming required – just plug and play.



Our test and rebuild work is world renowned and is used by franchise dealerships and specialists across the globe. We are extremely proud of our Lifetime Warranty standards and our work defect rate is lower than 0.49% on all our rebuilds, so you can be assured of our very high standard of work.



Lifetime unlimited mileage*


Price and product info: E-Class turbo actuator product range


How do I get my unit rebuilt?

To pay for the rebuild select your part number from our turbo actuator range and then click: Get yours rebuilt

Print the payment/booking confirmation email.

Package the Mercedes E-Class turbo actuator inside a sturdy box with plenty of packaging material (make sure you include your confirmation email in the box).

Send us your package by tracked courier (the shipping instructions are on the confirmation email).

Once received we will test, rebuild and return your turbo actuator with an unlimited mileage lifetime warranty. (if your unit turns out not to be faulty then we will refund your payment less a small testing fee and return shipping)


What if I don’t want to pay up front?

This is not a problem, if you prefer this option then follow the following steps:

Fill in and submit this test form.

Print the booking confirmation email.

Package the Mercedes E-Class turbo actuator inside a sturdy box with plenty of packaging material (make sure you include your confirmation email in the box).

Send us your package by tracked courier (the shipping instructions are on the confirmation email).

Once received, we will test your turbo actuator and call you to advise on the outcome of testing, if your actuator is faulty and you choose to go ahead with the rebuild then we will take payment over the phone using a debit/credit card.

We will then rebuild your turbo actuator and return it to you with an unlimited mileage warranty.

If you require further information regarding this Mercedes E-Class turbo actuator, then please contact us.

Mercedes Products/Services





























Comments on "Mercedes E220, E270 & E320 Turbo Actuator Fault"
Michael davies says: 10/08/2022 17:42:07
Ive had it in the garage there saying the actuator is faulty. But want stupid money is it easy enough for me to get it off and send to you or do I get them to send it ? How much please ?
ECU Admin says: 11/08/2022 10:19:22
Hi Michael, the actuator is attached to the turbo itself, any mechanic will be able to remove this for you ready to send into us. For prices and shipping information please click the ‘Shop Now’ button above.
Vadim Carabet says: 28/09/2020 02:48:52
Limp mode
ECU Admin says: 29/09/2020 17:01:30
Hi, limp mode is a common symptom of a faulty turbo actuator. We offer testing with a view to repair if you would like to send your unit into us.
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