Vauxhall Corsa D Electric Power Steering fault

Vauxhall Corsa D Electric Power Steering fault

This Vauxhall Corsa D electric power steering column is a very common problem for vehicles built between 2006 and 2014, failure will cause complete or intermittent loss of all power steering and illumination of the EPS (Electric Power Steering) light. Sometimes failure may result in the steering wheel jumping/vibrating in both directions. Fault codes will be stored for the power steering torque sensor and/or steering position sensor, these codes will be stored within the electric power steering system which can be accessed using professional level diagnostic equipment.


A brand new Corsa D steering column is very expensive when purchased directly from the manufacturer, will require programming to the vehicle and is supplied with only a 1-year warranty. This is often not a viable nor cost-effective solution for most Corsa D owners.


Thankfully there is a more cost effective solution - we are able to supply remanufactured Corsa D electric power steering columns from stock (when available) or rebuild your own electric power steering column for a small fraction of the price of new, this is a fully re-engineered solution with all common failing components upgraded to higher rated than standard versions. Our test and rebuild service will save you a small fortune and we provide an unlimited mile Lifetime Warranty* with every rebuilt unit. Current turnaround time is approximately 2-3 working days (excluding weekends and public holidays) to have your own Corsa D Electric Power Steering column rebuilt.


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Common Failure symptoms:

  • Power steering completely not working
  • EPS / power steering light on
  • Intermittent loss of power steering assistance
  • Steering goes heavy / stiff steering
  • Steering judders when turned to the right


Common fault codes:

  • C0545 – Power Steering Torque Sensor
  • C0460 – Steering Position Sensor


Affected Vehicles:

  • Vauxhall Corsa D 2006 – 2014


Common failing part numbers:

Test and rebuild:

Every Vauxhall Corsa D electric power steering column is tested under real-world load and driving conditions on our bespoke EPS testing rig. Once the unit is identified as faulty, we then move onto the rebuild stage, our technicians will replace all common failing components with versions that are higher rated than standard, and then extensively re-test to ensure that no faults remain and to ensure that it meets or exceeds the original specifications



This electric power steering column is pre-coded at manufacturer, during test and rebuild all programming information is retained so the unit is ready to go once refitted onto the vehicle.



We have rebuilt this type of Vauxhall Corsa D electric power steering column for Franchise main dealers and independent specialists for many years, our work defect rate is lower than 0.49% on all of our rebuilds, so you can be sure of our very high standard of work.



Lifetime unlimited mileage*


Prices and product range: Vauxhall Corsa EPS - (Electric Power Steering)


How do I get my unit rebuilt?

Click on the link above, select your steering column and click on 'Get Yours Rebuilt'.

Print the payment/booking confirmation email.

Package the electric power steering column inside a sturdy box with plenty of packaging material (make sure you include your confirmation email in the box).

Send us your package by tracked courier (the shipping instructions are on the confirmation email).

Once received we will test, rebuild and return your EPS column with an unlimited mileage lifetime warranty. (if your unit turns out not to be faulty then we will refund your payment less a small testing fee and return shipping)


What if I don’t want to pay up front?

This is not a problem, if you prefer this option then follow the following steps:

Fill in and submit this test form

Print the booking confirmation email.

Package the power steering column inside a sturdy box with plenty of packaging material (make sure you include your confirmation email in the box).

Send us your package by tracked courier (the shipping instructions are on the confirmation email).

Once received, we will test your power steering unit and call you to advise on the outcome of testing, if your EPS column is faulty and you choose to go ahead with the rebuild then we will take payment over the phone using a debit/credit card.

We will then rebuild your electric power steering column and return it to you with an unlimited mileage warranty.

If you require further information regarding this Vauxhall Corsa D electric power steering column then please contact us.

Vauxhall Products/Services




























Comments on "Vauxhall Corsa D Electric Power Steering fault"
Vic says: 14/02/2025 09:34:40
Sterring stiff to one side
ECU Admin says: 14/02/2025 09:36:33
Hi Vic, you are welcome to send your power steering unit to us to check. You can do this by following the "Test Form" button at the top of the page, or shop on the links above to match your part number. Thank you!
Jason Lewis says: 25/08/2023 09:20:19
Hi I have a 2013 1.3sxi diesel Corsa. When the temperature drops the power steering light comes on and the steering will not move. After sitting in the car for a while it warms up and the light goes off and the steering works. This happened this morning (August - temp dropped a little last night) so sat for a few minutes, during the winter months I have to sit for about 25 minutes for the light to go off. Any ideas
ECU Admin says: 29/08/2023 09:46:42
Hi Jason, send us your fault code information recorded when this fault happens and we can have a look into this for you contact us
Sipho matsitsa says: 21/11/2022 11:30:55
Hi m driving corsa essentia 1.4 . My problem is a strerring wheel it becomes very stiff n vibrating and is electrical power steering especially when i am turning it right. What might be the problem n how can it be fixed because i have gone to several spares outlets but m told they not selling sterring column for thid type of car. Can i be atleast advised what to do or go to get new or used one still in good conditions?
ECU Admin says: 22/11/2022 10:11:03
Hi, looks like you are experiencing failure of the steering column. Get this over to us, using our Test Form above, and we can look into rebuild for you.
Dave says: 19/10/2022 15:40:01
Are your new units plug and play or need programming to vehicle
ECU Admin says: 20/10/2022 09:52:36
Hi Dave, for prices, programming and delivery please see the following page:
Loubouka B Ghata says: 02/09/2022 14:07:04
I have a power steering problem, the wheel shakes and sometimes becomes hard. Can you help?
ECU Admin says: 05/09/2022 09:44:57
Hi, juddering and hard/stiff steering are common failures for this unit. Get it on over to us and we'll happily take a look into it for you. To get started just complete our Test Form
Craig lawrence says: 22/08/2022 22:53:13
Hi I have a 2012 corsa that the power steering is very light when it turns clock wise and stiffer when it goes anti clockwise, also when the ignition is switched off the steering wheel starts to turn anti clock wise on its own accord, is this a problem you have came across before.?
ECU Admin says: 23/08/2022 09:49:47
Hi Craig, we offer a full test and rebuild solution. To get started just complete our online Test Form above
Beqa says: 05/06/2022 20:43:39
Help please, my corsa himself turns levft help me please,
ECU Admin says: 07/06/2022 10:19:33
We’ll happily test that for you with a view to rebuild if faulty. To get started click Shop Now above or complete our Test Form:
Nicholas Campbell says: 15/12/2020 21:21:01
Hi my daughters corsa 1.4 Sri 2010 has been having power steering problems. The light comes on on and off and when its on the steering is very heavy. Im told I need the steering column rebuilt. Does this seem right and how much would it cost please? Thanks. Nick
ECU Admin says: 16/12/2020 09:26:48
Hi Nicholas, failure of assisted steering is a very common issue for the Vauxhall Corsa. For prices and shipping information please select your part number above.
Richard East says: 26/08/2019 19:40:51
Hello, I have a problem with our 2008 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2. Power steering has packed up, this also happened several weeks ago, no steering and the steering light on! Then after a week or so it was ok again !! Been fine for weeks until now. Same symptoms and light on again. Removing the unit and sending it to you seems like the best option , I don't want to go with a secondhand unit , is there anything I need to do before I remove and what would be the likely cost?? thanks Richard.
ECU Admin says: 27/08/2019 10:27:51
Hi Richard, sounds like you have the common Corsa power steering issue. We can certainly help with that. For costs and shipping information just select your part number above or find it here:
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